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English Corner 今日: 0|主题: 153|排名: 1 

版主: 凌宇小阁
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全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 请大家主动添加用户安全提问  ...23456..7 指弹中国-宣传部 2013-3-15 15:52 13058392 Dovahkiinn 2022-5-29 09:58
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 请珍惜你的账号!部分会员被盗号并用来广告刷屏,已封杀部分账号。  ...23 巡警 2015-5-20 07:39 4619222 泰拉斯吉他 2022-5-5 13:59
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 压缩包解压不了的解决办法 digest 城管 2017-9-26 16:36 47929 pcsms_2cLbL6kt 2022-5-5 13:59
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 指弹中国合辑《永无指境》 2012年8月发行喽! attachment  ...23456..24 很玄的东西 2012-8-25 22:52 476115016 芳慧栋 2022-5-5 13:58
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 朱家明全新指弹吉他专辑《乡路》众筹预售 attach_img 巡警 2018-3-13 14:38 37504 hyq 2019-8-29 21:30
分类置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 ukulele 系列教学资料 attach_img  ...23456..21 很玄的东西 2011-7-20 13:05 410115192 sd128 2022-5-5 13:59
预览 Progressive Blues Guitar Solos attach_img heatlevel tarkine 2012-2-29 14:54 134894 断弦 2019-10-25 08:38
预览 Kaori Muraji - Guitar Solo Collection Notation only attachment heatlevel  ...2 tarkine 2012-5-22 19:53 288186 芳慧栋 2019-9-27 06:33
预览 How to Play Jazz Guitar eBook attachment  ...2 Leocon.F 2012-10-27 16:37 225507 pcsms_mMRrtFJz 2019-8-20 20:48
预览 perfect pitch watson_yu 2019-4-3 22:09 01133 watson_yu 2019-4-3 22:09
预览 Don Ross _ The Answer Book attachment Leocon.F 2013-3-5 12:50 174958 ximico105 2018-12-9 01:49
预览 Jon.Gomm.Aint.Nobody.Official.Score.PDF attachment torellobello 2015-5-16 18:39 52461 ximico105 2018-12-2 00:29
预览 Kelly Valleau Collection vol1 tarkine 2013-11-24 16:18 199537 ximico105 2018-12-1 23:00
预览 Tony McManus Fingerstyle Books attachment recommend dorago037 2013-4-6 23:24 123966 ximico105 2018-12-1 22:59
预览 Nice to meet you! thecloud_vip 2017-12-31 16:09 21786 ximico105 2018-11-30 02:59
预览 It Don't Mean a Thing 新人帖 attachment juri19594 2015-7-4 15:32 52062 ximico105 2018-11-22 20:58
预览 Kotaro Oshio Complete Book Collection attach_img heatlevel tarkine 2013-11-23 17:44 193846 ximico105 2018-11-22 18:33
预览 Jon.Gomm.Passionflower.Official.Score.PDF 新人帖 attachment torellobello 2014-11-7 18:25 93248 Rockos 2018-4-15 13:51
预览 Isato Nakagawa tree circle: Book & CD attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 tarkine 2012-6-7 07:22 216329 tungn3t15 2017-10-9 15:03
预览 David Qualey Scores: Notation attach_img tarkine 2012-5-4 14:39 94355 tungn3t15 2017-10-9 15:02
预览 rock school acoustic guitar 新人帖 ethansoh 2017-7-24 21:49 01385 ethansoh 2017-7-24 21:49
预览 求guitarbehm Killing me softly with his song 新人帖 ronald69 2017-1-24 16:36 01550 ronald69 2017-1-24 16:36
预览 the common used words in BBS (Chinese to English)  ...2 凌宇小阁 2010-3-23 20:17 297497 希花齊 2016-12-7 21:12
预览 What should i get a taylor gs mini or guild m120? 新人帖 lozpt 2016-12-4 17:28 01502 lozpt 2016-12-4 17:28
预览 Some Fingerstyle pieces attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 tarkine 2011-4-1 17:38 4711993 奔跑的招财猫 2016-11-25 15:48
预览 走音 Hashioto - Vincent attach_img Trender 2016-2-12 22:47 51992 奔跑的招财猫 2016-11-25 15:29
预览 Joni Mitchell attach_img heatlevel tarkine 2012-2-14 14:40 154816 奔跑的招财猫 2016-11-25 15:25
预览 Elton John - Fingerstyle Guitar Collection 新人帖 attachment Khan1000 2012-8-16 00:37 186460 szag4370 2016-11-23 15:21
预览 Va-bank Henryk Kuzniak attachment juri19594 2015-7-7 11:14 31763 ske爱太难 2016-11-20 02:57
预览 El McMeen - Art Of Gospel Guitar 新人帖 attach_img Trender 2016-2-7 05:46 42257 mcfly1984 2016-5-15 21:36
预览 Guitar Breizh V.1 - 10 Melodies (PDF+MP3) NEW LINK 3/2016! 新人帖 attach_img  ...2 Khan1000 2013-1-25 08:57 205877 ericavd101 2016-4-2 09:57
预览 The Stephen Bennett Flatpicking Collection attach_img heatlevel tarkine 2012-4-19 16:35 114526 绯村 2016-3-11 21:58
预览 Andrew York Collection: Standard Notation attach_img heatlevel tarkine 2012-6-8 09:32 156898 暮霭 2016-3-6 22:16
预览 Derek Patton Bright Grey attach_img tarkine 2012-5-8 22:13 43212 斯巴达猴 2016-3-5 13:55
预览 20th Century Masters (PDF+MP3) NEW LINK 3/2016! attach_img Khan1000 2013-5-7 19:06 104025 ericavd101 2016-3-1 00:43
预览 Eric Roche - Ballads For Classical Guitar attach_img tarkine 2015-5-13 12:49 62207 ericavd101 2016-2-25 21:14
预览 Stairway To Heaven: PER-OLOV KINDGREN tarkine 2012-6-16 10:44 115014 ericavd101 2016-2-18 14:39
预览 Mel Bay - Franco Morone and ulli boegershausen - 10 Duets For Fingerstyle Guitar attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 tarkine 2012-5-20 14:00 216871 ericavd101 2016-2-18 14:31
预览 Hiroshi Masuda Collection 72 pieces attach_img tarkine 2013-12-17 19:33 133763 ericavd101 2016-2-18 13:20
预览 Soymartino - 90 Tabs - [售价 10 积分] attachment jabberwocky 2013-4-3 17:21 177302 Roman.gorbunov 2016-2-11 18:19
预览 求常用吉他专业英语词汇 heatlevel  ...23 诣泉 2011-7-5 21:48 4216222 eddietanhaohao 2016-1-10 14:23
预览 The Art Of Flamenco Guitar attach_img heatlevel tarkine 2012-2-11 15:46 154792 saviolla 2015-8-22 20:12
预览 ULLI BOGERSHAUSEN my songbook attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...2 tarkine 2012-6-23 01:57 347032 saviolla 2015-8-22 20:11
预览 Liona Boyd Favorite Solos For Classical Guitar attach_img tarkine 2015-5-13 13:32 42309 saviolla 2015-8-22 20:09
预览 Stephen Bennett Fingerstyle Collection Book/CD attach_img heatlevel tarkine 2012-4-8 10:02 165253 saviolla 2015-8-22 20:08
预览 Michael Hedges rhythm sonority silence attach_img heatlevel  ...2 tarkine 2012-2-8 17:11 279929 saviolla 2015-8-22 20:07
预览 Ulli Boegershausen Kiss from a Rose 吉他譜! 新人帖 attachment shane.meow 2014-6-15 20:23 62733 Jermms 2015-8-12 18:48
预览 Zequinha de Abreu – “Branca” attachment juri19594 2015-8-8 12:02 01727 juri19594 2015-8-8 12:02
预览 W. C. Hendy St Louis Blues attachment juri19594 2015-7-31 11:35 01693 juri19594 2015-7-31 11:35
预览 Waldir Azevedo – Brasileirinho attachment juri19594 2015-7-6 19:32 11761 artie 2015-7-14 14:34
预览 Nostalgia – F. Roucher attachment juri19594 2015-7-8 11:47 01790 juri19594 2015-7-8 11:47
预览 Puttin On The Ritz attachment juri19594 2015-7-5 14:37 01557 juri19594 2015-7-5 14:37
预览 Liona Boyd - The First Lady Of Guitar attach_img tarkine 2015-5-13 14:02 31954 artie 2015-5-30 22:26
预览 Adam Rafferty Stevie Wonder - Solo Fingerstyle - DVD attach_img heatlevel tarkine 2012-2-16 13:48 135239 grei06 2015-1-2 16:49
预览 Sarah McQuaid: The Irish DADGAD Guitar Book attach_img heatlevel tarkine 2012-6-5 15:01 144293 Tiger-宁 2014-10-22 18:27
预览 Pierre Bensusan Altiplanos attach_img heatlevel  ...2 tarkine 2014-3-24 19:37 204447 wuzhitanyouzhe 2014-10-19 23:13
预览 Juanjo Dominguez guitarra - La Cumparsita - [售价 10 积分] attachment kvarus 2014-8-23 22:40 01912 kvarus 2014-8-23 22:40
预览 Pierre Bensusan Vividly attach_img heatlevel tarkine 2014-3-24 15:07 193454 caytycj 2014-6-27 21:40
预览 Best guitar! 新人帖 puma7dragon 2014-4-9 04:37 62592 iverson093 2014-6-17 09:48
预览 Michael Buble - Home 弹唱谱 heatlevel  ...2 seicheh81 2011-7-4 17:19 256976 pandaking 2014-6-7 16:38
预览 有没有在长春想找英语家教的琴友啊? z62693 2012-12-30 14:30 93702 罗靖凯 2014-5-19 13:32
预览 中川砂仁 初音·小贝贝 2014-5-16 21:53 22249 初音·小贝贝 2014-5-18 18:44
预览 求谱 PP的GONE GONE GONE 郑戈宁 2014-5-17 22:08 01974 郑戈宁 2014-5-17 22:08
预览 just like heaven sonofthesea 2010-4-15 10:31 43353 玛丽莲梦兔 2014-5-17 15:03
预览 google earth 怎么用 新人帖 332817079 2013-10-22 02:20 122479 玛丽莲梦兔 2014-5-17 11:07
预览 guitar body heatlevel vincent123 2010-10-7 13:06 94172 玛丽莲梦兔 2014-5-17 11:07
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