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English Corner 今日: 0|主题: 153|排名: 1 

版主: 凌宇小阁
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预览 木吉他我爱她 530943066 2012-5-5 17:14 12812 Khan1000 2012-8-15 23:02
预览 Guide to selecting Acoustic Guitar Tonewoods/Woods heatlevel 凌宇小阁 2010-3-27 18:34 144582 阿诺哭撸娃 2012-8-9 19:24
预览 Steve Baughman Celtic Guitar Method attach_img heatlevel agree tarkine 2012-1-12 18:41 82818 阿诺哭撸娃 2012-8-9 19:20
预览 isato nakagawa Rainbow Chaser attach_img tarkine 2012-6-11 11:57 52797 阿诺哭撸娃 2012-8-9 19:10
预览 改编metalcore版《poker face》 attachment 2流吉他手 2012-7-30 12:11 02331 2流吉他手 2012-7-30 12:11
预览 Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody - Edgar Cruz attach_img heatlevel tarkine 2011-4-9 18:35 164141 Iamaok 2012-6-17 14:48
预览 such a cool place heatlevel alma 2011-3-26 21:45 82834 tarkine 2012-4-12 15:51
预览 Here is a Terrifiyng technique which includes 200 exercises attach_img heatlevel hayespeng 2011-7-22 23:10 43089 lazyfrog 2012-4-11 08:52
预览 在下英语水平实在差,求翻译! attach_img heatlevel Leocon.F 2012-2-7 00:20 102755 雪狼指弹 2012-4-1 08:21
预览 Laurence Juber Pop Goes Guitar attach_img agree tarkine 2011-12-22 19:07 52423 shadowflash9 2012-3-21 01:26
预览 Which photo hosting sites not blocked in China? attach_img WittyGoblin 2010-4-30 09:55 146742 frankmail007 2012-3-7 09:33
预览 Why dont we ceate a Japanese Corner? heatlevel debugery 2010-7-14 13:26 194080 pek3883 2012-3-1 12:24
预览 Tech Tip: Guitar Cleaning and Maintenance Techniques heatlevel bigonez 2011-2-4 06:36 52660 海边疯 2012-2-26 13:07
预览 so cool heatlevel  ...2 sonofthesea 2010-4-1 12:53 215160 wy3622138895 2012-2-17 23:47
预览 fingerstylechina on facebook!! 求!!英文管理员 heatlevel dzl_1993 2011-10-19 03:11 182403 k-t 2012-2-14 00:06
预览 A Question Please ... heatlevel KeroroQ 2011-3-23 07:05 112748 o0George0o 2012-1-10 11:09
预览 any one like anouk? wassaabi 2011-10-1 14:46 01769 wassaabi 2011-10-1 14:46
预览 How to search tabs, FOR FOREIGN FRIENDS heatlevel agree mamingxu 2010-8-26 12:46 163872 ws78630596 2011-8-3 22:03
预览 Franco Morone :The South Wind : (Irish Tunes) attach_img heatlevel tarkine 2011-6-11 19:01 134192 ryangao1990 2011-6-18 09:10
预览 i am newer heatlevel  ...2 chenzhihong001 2010-10-5 10:21 234799 calvinlee619 2011-5-10 23:21
预览 guitar pro 6??? attach_img heatlevel  ...2 vincent123 2010-10-6 18:24 215063 毛同呆 2011-5-10 06:45
预览 Translation please. .... heatlevel JJ007 2010-11-12 16:24 143749 毛同呆 2011-5-10 06:36
预览 (Test) tarkine 2011-3-22 07:14 02044 tarkine 2011-3-22 07:14
预览 To the hackers of the forum... JJ007 2011-3-13 16:52 22239 JJ007 2011-3-15 12:06
预览 whts up barryzhuang 2011-3-14 00:14 02111 barryzhuang 2011-3-14 00:14
预览 Why is there no tab contribution here? heatlevel JJ007 2010-11-2 10:07 123690 amorousamor 2011-2-14 14:55
预览 Is there any friends form kansas city in the united states? mett 2010-12-30 10:52 52447 towercraft 2011-1-9 18:51
预览 upgrade user status vincent123 2010-10-6 18:08 12081 kkssw 2011-1-2 06:59
预览 First Guitar? openD指弹 2010-5-13 16:12 72649 smick 2010-12-31 14:07
预览 How to tell if tabs requite your POINTS or POWER? bigpineapple 2010-8-5 07:34 52519 jhtszyh 2010-12-4 00:27
预览 Could you help with a translation of this error? bigpineapple 2010-8-9 07:09 72255 tarkine 2010-10-26 11:57
预览 foreign friends please~ mamingxu 2010-8-8 16:59 72282 tarkine 2010-10-26 11:54
预览 Pickup Tests ( 241 recordings, 81 tests, 56 pickups, 24 companies) 凌宇小阁 2010-5-9 17:04 12765 serphinox 2010-8-3 00:51
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