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[学习分享] 专栏 | 很闲的东西 Vol.010“生命之树”Alex Anderson的Harp Guitar

发表于 2017-1-18 12:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

专栏 | 很闲的东西 Vol.010“生命之树”Alex Anderson的Harp Guitar

2017-01-18 指弹中国 指弹吉他


Alex Anderson - Because Its There by Michael Hedges



很闲的话题并没有因为某个人,某个曲子很火,就一定会关注和报道,当然这也不能证明我就是一个“另类”,而自己又觉得很高明。没想到2017年新年第一期“很闲的东西”也可以叫“闲话”!竟然以“冷乐器”开场!之前其实介绍过Harp Guitar竖琴吉他。我承认自己是一个“喜新厌旧”的人,看到竖琴吉他就马上注册好“竖琴中国”域名,这股劲儿和当年做指弹中国一模一样。





现代指弹竖琴吉他手Alex Anderson出生在一个音乐家庭(New Milford “新米尔福德”位于纽约东北80英里),他的父亲是一个多才多艺的古典吉他和钢弦吉他手,在Alex幼小的时候父亲给他买了第一支古典吉他。在他的青少年时期,Alex接触到了的鼓和贝斯,同时也得到了他的第一支钢弦吉他,随后即刻感悟到了乐器间的关联性。后来受到像Michael Hedges和Preston Reed这些优秀的指弹演奏家的影响,Alex把新的元素融入到了现代指弹吉他音乐中,他们开创了新的流派。


Alex在HARTT音乐学院继续他的学业期间,学习录音制作专业,在那里他被公认为是一个古典吉他手。因为对音乐演出职业话的追求,所以Alex放弃了录音学业,开始在各种摇滚乐队演出。在这段时间里他开始对指弹吉他的兴趣愈发强烈,Alex离开了摇滚现场,回到了自己的音乐本身上面,发展个人事业。为了能让他喜欢的吉他、贝斯和鼓的声音同时出现在一件乐器上,在2013年他卖掉所有他的电吉他和原声吉他**了他的第一把竖琴吉他,一支Dyer Style 8。自从像Stephen Bennett,Michael Hedges和Andy McKee这样的优秀演奏家开始使用竖琴吉他演奏之后,很多音乐人喜欢上了竖琴吉他,但很少有人全心投入的去演奏并用竖琴吉他来创作。这让Alex投入了更多的热情,去探索竖琴吉他的领域。从那以后,Alex成了CandyRat唱片公司里面极具特色的艺术家,并获得世界上一些顶级指弹演奏家的赞誉。竖琴吉他之父Stephen Bennett最近邀请Alex到2016年竖琴吉他大会做主要演讲和表演。Alex还与Dyer Harp吉他,Ernie Ball,DiMarzio,Sunburst Gear,MiniFlex,Neunaber签约品牌代言。


目前Alex在创作和录制他的首张概念专辑“Tree of Life”。还创建了他的“Tree of Life录音工作室”作为一个专门为指弹艺术家**交流的场所。Alex已经准备制作完成他的首张专辑,并且发行,之后开展宣传和巡演。






Alex这把琴算是竖琴吉他中的知名品牌吧,近百年历史,在2016年美国NAMM SHOW的时候,我曾经到过这个展位,基本都是5000-8000美元起步,我呢,只能咬咬牙!暂时不买!




每一个人都有自己心中的偶像,Andy Mckee确实影响到N多美国的新一代原声吉他手,我见过无数人和Andy Mckee合影,包括我在内哦!





Alex Anderson - When The World Was Waiting For You


1.When you start to play harpguitar? Before that , did you play guitar or other intrument?

答:我从2013年开始弹竖琴吉他的,当时我已经拥有了第一把Jay Buckley 竖琴吉他--我对竖琴吉他非常入迷,在短时间内卖掉了我其他的吉他,用来**在2013年10月份的竖琴吉他艺术节看到的Dyer Style 8竖琴吉他。
( I started playing harp guitar in early 2013 when I picked up my first Jay Buckley harp guitar-I was immediately hooked and I ended trading it in shortly after also selling off all my other guitars to pick up my main Dyer Style 8 at the Harp Guitar Gathering in Oct 2013. I have been playing fingerstyle guitar on and off since I was 10. Throughout my 20s I played drums, bass and electric guitars in various rock and metal bands.)


2.What's the tunning of harpguitar, does it have many different tunning? And can it play chord on the bass strings?

答:总体来讲,竖琴吉他和指弹吉他的最大的优点,就是可以演奏各种调弦!其实没有真正意义上的“标准调弦”,虽然大家普遍认为Stephen Bennett‘s调弦(从低到高依次是GABCDG 吉他部分EADGBE)是最常用的调弦。很多大师们发现竖琴部分从D down开始调弦也是比较常用的。在这上面弹和弦当然是可以得,琴弦都是开放的,弹琴者可以调成他想要的音。Stephen Bennett用过的一种方法就是同时敲击几个bass音,同时在吉他上演奏另外和谐的部分,演奏出像钢琴一样拥有开放宽音域的和弦效果。我经常在竖琴部分同时弹奏两根弦曲强调我的音乐中的某些部分。
( The great part about harp guitar, and fingerstyle in general, is that any tuning goes! There is no real “standard” although some consider Stephen Bennett’s tuning  (Subs from low to high GABCDG guitar standard EADGBE) to be the most commonly used. Various Dyer experts have found tunings that start the subs on D down seem to also be common.  Playing chords on the instrument is certainly possible, although all open strings so up to the player for which tuning they are in. One trick Stephen Bennett uses is to hit a few basses together as well as a harmonic on the guitar side to create a chord that has a nice open wide piano like voicing- I often hit two subs together for emphasis on certain parts of my music.)


3.We saw many  re-arranging videos of yours, and how many original songs do you have at present? Will they been record in your new album?

答:官方已出的原创视频有3个,“When The World Was Waiting For You”, “Daybreak”, “When Now Seemed Forever”,还有一个是致敬 Michael Hedges的”Because It’s There”。所有这些作品,连同另外8首原创作品,一共12首都是竖琴吉他专辑的曲目。
(I have officially 3 original videos out there, “When The World Was Waiting For You”, “Daybreak”, “When Now Seemed Forever”  and one to honor the late Michael Hedges “Because It’s There”. All will be on the record including 8 more originals for a total of 12 all harp guitar pieces.)


4.What's your suggestion for the harpguitar very beginners? What they should start with?

答:对于初学者(不是任何竖琴音乐都是“简单”)Stephen Bennett 出过一些相对简单的 bass/旋律 的曲子和曲谱,帮助初学者适应竖琴弹奏和吉他弹奏之间的转换学习。我第一次拿到这个乐器的时候,我是制订了一首歌曲的学习任务给自己——“Beacuse Its There”,所以我花了几个月时间就一直在研究练习Michael在bass线上的滞弦技巧,知道它可以由你的手指进行自然的控制。
( For beginners (not that any of the harp guitar music out there is “easy”) Stephen Bennett has some great more simple bass/melody tunes and tabs available that would help anyone get used to the subs and the interplay between them and the guitar. When I first got the instrument I was personally on a mission to learn “Because Its There” so I spent months just drilling that bass line with Michael’s string stopping techniques until it became second nature- that’s definitely a tune to get the feeling of the subs under your fingers!)


5.Please tell us some American harpguitars brand you familiar with.

答:有很多优秀的美国制造商,包括Scott Holloway 经营的Dyer,我的Style 8和Style 4竖琴吉他都是他在加州手工制作的。在加拿大或其他地方还有许多优秀制造商-在harpguitars.net网站上可以找到很多优秀制造商的资源,这是由竖琴吉他大师 Gregg Minor创办的(指的是竖琴吉他网站的意思)
(There are tons of great American builders out there, including the new Dyer run by Scott Holloway who hand built my Style 8 and Style 4 guitars in California, as well as a lot of amazing builders from Canada and elsewhere- a great resource to find all the different builders would be harpguitars.net run by the harp guitar guru Sir Gregg Minor)


6.Why you choose to play harpguitar? Are you influent by some artists ? What does the harpguitar attract you most?

  答:我在大约1998年(Michael Hedges 刚刚过世)的时候听了他的“Live On the Double Planet”专辑,一下子就爱上了竖琴吉他。我记得我当时惊叹于他是如何将bass line和吉他完美融合到“because Its There”这首曲子中的,然后这个曲子很快就成为我最喜爱的一首。那个时候互联网还不是很发达,我甚至不知道这乐器长什么样子,直到很久以后我在一些旧杂志上看到他和Dyer还有电吉他Klein HG。这曾经,是我一直想要引进入当时乐队的东西,但是没有成功。在1990s-2000s之间加入了几个不同的乐队之后,看到了如何使用我拥有的这把Jay Buckley的可能性之后,我卖掉了所有的吉他和AMP,我必须要拥有一把我自己的Style 8 ,从那以后弹竖琴吉他成为了我的信念和追求,我把所有的精力都专注于钻研这个乐器演奏上面。
( I feel in love with harp guitar from Michael Hedges after listening to the “Live On the Double Planet” album sometime around 1998 right after he passed. I remember wondering how he played the bass line and guitar together on “Because Its There” and quickly it became a favorite tune of mine. Those days the internet was young so I didn’t even know what one looked like until much later seeing him on various older back issues of guitar magazines with the Dyer and electric Klein HG. Once I did, it become something I always wanted to get my hands on… but could never afford. After playing in various bands through the late 1990s and 2000s and seeing what could be done with the Jay Buckley instrument I had, I sold every guitar and amp I had to get my Style 8 where then it became my mission and obsession to focus all my playing efforts and composition to the instrument)


7.I heard there is a harpguitar festival in the USA. Have you ever attended that festival? Is it very influential  and authoritative in the USA harpguitar industry?

答:这个竖琴吉他艺术节从2003年开始,是每年在美国不同的地点举办的年度盛事,对于任何想学习、想了解这门乐器的人来说都是一个神奇的经历,可以在现场实际的去尝试!2013的艺术节我个人名义买到了我的Style 8,看到了我崇拜的许多艺术家,如Andy McKee 和Stephen Bennett。最令我感到高兴的是,通过我努力的创作音乐、录制了自己的专辑之后,Stephen Bennett 亲自邀请我参加了2016竖琴吉他艺术节。
(The Harp Guitar Gathering has been an annual event since 2003 in various locations throughout the US and is an amazing experience for anyone looking to learn more about the instrument and to get their hands on one to try! In 2013 HGG I picked up my Style 8 in person and got to see many artists who I admire play including Andy McKee and Stephen Bennett. Much to my delight after working hard on writing music and recording my album I was asked by Stephen Bennett himself to have a special featured performance at this past 2016s HGG!)


8.What's the perfect solution with the harpguitar electric system?

答:我还没有想出完美的系统,虽然我正在使用一个相当精心的配置 -我的吉他装有3插孔,两个立体声和一个单声道。一个立体声接口匹配上DiMarzio Black Angel压电- 一个压杆条在竖琴部分的琴桥下面,另一个在吉他的琴桥下。这个电压信号在我做过混音和EQ调节之后,在现场听的话可以接近原声的70%。另一个立体声插孔合并了我的2个MiniFlex麦克风系统,最大限度地捕捉打板和整体环境;我的DiMarzio Black Angel Magnetic拾音器是我使用最多的,为效果器捕捉琴弦的声音。最终的单声道信号是一个平条效果器,这是由一个叫Sixtus的公司为我特别定制的,用来是竖琴部分的音量稍微扩大一些,同时也可以与一些效果进行混合。所有的这些都是接入我的KK前级和QSC 触屏混音控制板(附图),输出到我的录音界面作为一个麦克风加强,或者接到PA作现场。
(I haven’t come up with the perfect system yet, although I have a quite elaborate setup that works for me- I have 3 jacks, two stereo and one mono out of my guitar. One stereo jack has my dual set of DiMarzio Black Angel Piezos- one piezo bar under the bridge inside on the sub side and one of the guitar side. This piezo signal is close to 70% of the sound you will hear live after I mix and eq all the sources together. The other stereo jack has a combination of my MiniFlex 2Mic system, which is great to capture the percussive sounds and overall air; and my DiMarzio Black Angel Magnetic Pickup which I use mostly to capture some of the string sound and for my effects. The final mono signal is a flatbar pickup that I had custom made for me by a company called Sixtus that is used to bring out a little more bite and volume from the subs as well as another source to mix in some effects. All of that I run through my KK preamps and QSC TouchMix board (picture attached) and output to either my recording interface as a mic reinforcement or to a PA for live.)


9.We saw someone play the nylon string harpguitar. Is it relative to classical guitars? Do you have any nylon string harpguitar?

答:Muriel Anderson是最出名的尼龙弦吉他演奏家,她的Doolin HG效果非常的好,因为她是古典吉他演奏家出身- 我在学校的时候也学习过古典吉他,但是我在音乐方面更加倾向于像Michael Hedges, Preston Reed 和Don Ross这些人使用的,声音更大、更明亮的钢弦音色。我个人目前还没有尼龙弦吉他,但是有一天我希望能够看到我的音乐被这个乐器进行翻弹。
( Muriel Anderson is the biggest nylon harp guitar player and her Doolin HG works perfectly for her since her background is in classical guitar- I also studied classical guitar in school but I always felt more connected musically to guys like Michael Hedges, Preston Reed and Don Ross for that big, bright and larger than life amplified steel string sound. I don’t personally have a nylon harp guitar but one day I could see some of my music translate well to that style of instrument.)


10. I saw some harpguitar brand , the price are around $5000-8000. It's really high-end guitars and expensive in our views. Will it influence the promotion and spread? Have you ever imagine that the harpguitar will become a mainstream guitar someday?

( The overall price range for a quality harp guitar can range anywhere from 3k to well over 10k (I think Andy McKees Greenfield retails at 25k!)– but if you are lucky you can find some decent used ones for around 1-2k. I would certainly stray from anything less than at least a grand like some you might see on eBay. These are very labor intensive instruments to make with lots of woods and hardware so its easy to see why they would even on average cost about double that a standard guitar- as the old adage goes, you get what you pay for!)



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Alex Anderson - Daybreak






1、寻琴记 | Vol.020 人生得一老邓lowden足矣!2012年Lowden F-35X
4、招生 | 2016指弹中国音乐教室 北京招生简章

弹吉他! 弹梦想! 我们一直在路上!




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