对于中国的琴友来说,也许他是一个全新的品牌,但是在欧洲他早已是名声斐然!就连大名鼎鼎的tommy也是BSG的忠实用户,tommy在录音时的选琴就是BSG om27F。图片为tommy在使用BSG。以下是tommy对BSG的评价~~~
I played 2 BSG guitars in Poland recently and must compliment them on their great work,, both guitars were extremely well made, beautifully finished,and sounded big, rich and sweet, with a lot of volume for a small bodied guitar... I enjoyed playing both guitars, and wish BSG a lot of success in the business,,, Tommy Emmanuel CGP.I played 2 BSG guitars in Poland recently and must compliment them on their great work,, both guitars were extremely well made, beautifully finished,and sounded big, rich and sweet, with a lot of volume for a small bodied guitar... I enjoyed playing both guitars, and wish BSG a lot of success in the business,,,
Tommy Emmanuel CGP
The produced models are based on the classical successful design. Due to the fact we do not engage in mass production, but only in custom-order hand crafting of guitars, we offer individual approach to every instrument. Though this approach we strive to fulfill all wishes and needs of our customers.