本帖最后由 ruopy 于 2013-12-16 18:45 编辑
What A Day是Mr. Keaggy单飞之后于1973年推出的首张个人专辑的同名主打歌,也是俺非常喜欢的一首歌,想想整整40年了!
这个版本前面加了一段1分多钟的引子,歌曲是从1‘17"正式开始的。精华部分从4’29“开始到结束,中间甚至玩起了雷鬼,有几句模仿Bob Marley的地方,笑翻了。4分多钟的solo随心所欲不逾矩,教科书般的精妙riff层出不穷。
歌词附后(这是Mr. Keaggy信了基督之后写的第一首歌,非常质朴的初入教者的情怀。俺虽然不信教,但尊重别人的宗教信仰)
What A Day
Phil Keaggy
When I get Home I will see all
The holy men I read about.
Peter and John, James, Luke, and Paul
And brother Tom without a doubt.
And I do believe there will be
King David at the harp
A song of praise with every chord.
What a sight to see, the redeemed and
The angels gathered round worshiping the Lord.
What a day that will be
Oh what a day that will be!
When we get Home, our Eternal Home
There'll be no more sick and dying.
No one is sad, no one is alone
And there will be no more crying.
He will wipe away every tear
From His children's eyes
And put a smile upon their faces.
What a happy day when we see
Our Lord in Paradise
Crowned as King of Kings.
What a day that will be
Oh what a day that will be!
What a day, what a day,
What a day that will be..........