a taylor 510 that I had 4 years ago
I've always liked dreadnought guitars, for their power and sustainability. You can strum, as well as fingerstyle. The greatest thing with taylor guitars is that they play very well. low action and amazing fretting. this 510 model has mahogany back and sides.
2 years later, i part exchanged it for a martin d-41 (east indian rosewood back and sides)
i guess it's every guitarists' dream to own a martin, let alone a top of the range one. I basically traded in my taylor which i bought for roughly 12,000 HKD (hong kong dollar), and paid a whopping 15,000 extra for the martin. well, all i can say is, it's worth every penny.
Comparing the martin and the taylor, i'd say the taylor plays better fresh from the factory. the martin was a bit difficult to play to start off with, the action was a bit high and it felt a bit stiff to play. (as it is very often the case with martin guitars, they get better and better over time). So after 3 years of heavy playing, as well as some minor adjustment on the neck, this is now one hell of a guitar to play. The sound is just heavenly, as many people draw analogy to the so-called 'bell' sound. Least to say, it looks stunning, with the exquisite pearl inlays.
I dont think i would need another guitar in the near future, but ultimately, I would like to get my hands on a Collings. that is if i have a spare dollar. |