本帖最后由 mamingxu 于 2010-8-10 17:20 编辑
look at this below your avatar(or proflie) "阅读权限 10".
this means your right to download the additions is 10 level.
the additions of some posts are free to download, some are charged for your ponits(积分), while the others are limited by "阅读权限"
I regard "阅读权限" as a level or something.
for example, when a addition is limited by "阅读权限" 11, but yours is 10. then the consequence will be "您已经登录,但您的帐号或其所在的用户组无权访问当前页面". to get the addtion, your "阅读权限" must be higher than 11.
the translation will be "you have logged in, but your ID hasnt the right to visit it"
to improve your "阅读权限", you can reply posts. once reply one, you got 3 ponits.
when your ponit is 200, your "阅读权限" will be 20.
Or you can sell some tabs to gain your ponit.
look at this: the relationship between "积分" and "阅读权限"
积分: 阅读权限:
学前班 0——10 1
小学生 10——200 10
初中生 200——500 20
高中生 500——1000 30
大学生 1000——3000 50
研究生 3000——5000 70
博士 5000—— 90
Hope this could help you~ |