楼主 |
发表于 2009-3-22 10:18
Hello All,
For English speakers, I have decided to translate the points system as I could not find one on the forums.
"The points system and viewing restrictions are in place to encourage people to post rather than just to use the site a download centre.
To stop random bad messages appearing, member can be fined points.
That is by posting junk. For example,
1. Random typing
2. One word posts like Yeah and OK.
3. Copy another post or reply and using it as your own.
The classifications are:
Class Points Viewing ability
Pre-school 0——10 1
Primary school 10——100 10
Junior High 100——200 20
Senior High 200——300 30
Univeristy 300——500 50
Researcher 500——3000 70
Professor 3000—— 90
It is easy to get more points. Starting a post will get you 5 points. Making a correction will get you 3 points."
Please feel free to update this! I have translated this based on what I know, but if you know more please add!
Jason Lau |