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发表于 2013-4-12 21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. Blend - Sandy Bull
  i. z! v/ k! S* P( Y* a7 B, T  2. Bean Time - Leo Kottke+ S) B# o! J7 o  p3 c0 U
  3. Jitterboogie - Michael Hedges2 q9 ~; p  h4 |) {6 }( @8 R1 e
  4. The Transcendental Waterfall - John Fahey
5 b" W7 Z9 B6 M, c8 c+ [8 m  5. Addison's Walk - Phil Keaggy
6 l& @* c$ D9 |0 V" t  6. Walkin' The Strings - Merle Travis
+ q( r1 C  T9 d8 {. R  7. Rickover's Dream - Michael Hedges: k% q. L. n# J- j9 c* S  P: ?
  8. Guitars and Other Cathedrals - Adrian Legg
# U2 R  R5 ^. Z6 V0 v1 N  9. Intuite - Pierre Bensusan( U# F6 c: S* V( {
10. Loaded Leather Moonroof - Don Ross7 F9 S6 R6 K/ n, v
11. Salt River - Norman Blake
1 g$ m7 k+ i! h; X12. Dill Pickle Rag - Doc Watson
) v2 i/ {6 ?: @' H5 ^9 F+ ~" C13. Busted Bicycle - Leo Kottke
9 `. J0 K. B- p4 M& ?14. The Reunion - Phil Keaggy5 B4 h4 k4 M, c
15. All Through My Life - Peter Lang) ]" C3 `3 g( D) S
16. Aerial Boundries - Michael Hedges
5 i0 u) V  [- A7 y17. Accelerator - Preston Reed2 g' C: C4 f  k; b- ~
18. Cypress Grove Blues - Tony Furtado
1 |1 u' [2 C. \5 L7 R0 Z" I19. Doxology - Kelly Joe Phelps: X& e9 t9 |, m0 `8 N% Z, Z
20. The Funky Avocado - Michael Hedges- t+ q$ f. d  C9 {  j- Y  t
21. Cuckoo Shuffle - Adrian Legg! G7 {8 l, O+ U
22. Tight Trite Night - Don Ross/ {4 g& n# b# s  Z0 c) {
23. Sentimentales Pyromaniaques - Pierre Bensusan% A, _  Y( @" [5 m
24. Le Mans - El McMeen
( \$ T- J3 k0 M' u$ i25. Samurai in the Cornfield - Gayla Drake Paul" x2 E7 g% B) k
26. Clockshop - Billy McLaughlin9 [$ Q$ }. G' Z4 E; Z, I4 d- z
27. Metamorphosis - Phil Keaggy
" `) a7 w$ i; l: c$ {0 ~28. Train To Dusseldorf - Tommy Emmanuel
& l% Q7 I! L0 b# {29. Jam In The Pocket - Phil Keaggy
; x2 w  _" j+ |30. Path of Fallen Leaves - Bill Mize
. A3 L5 g# d; O31. Vaseline Machine Gun - Leo Kottke8 P; ^8 d! Q! `; r
32. Ragged Nail - Adrian Legg: j% a. n# o8 h4 v* q
33. Trotto/Saltarello - John Renbourn
2 G0 \4 i" F2 T. {7 X34. Mann's Fate - Jorma Kaukonen
. v8 m' v7 @: ]6 b0 @  H+ {35. The Five Card Trick - Greg Carmichael (Acoustic Alchemy)
( r0 H0 j6 C( b1 n9 t* q36. The Lover's Ghost - Martin Simpson; ^! Z. V4 |! i
37. The Bricklayers Beautiful Daughter - Will Ackerman
$ j: C- _; t# v; d0 N38. Fragile Forest - Phil Keaggy! u; I. T4 w+ O4 B5 \, N& Z6 @
39. On The Sunny Side of The Street - John Fahey) \1 `& W2 N/ L- _3 O' [
40. Funky C, Funky Do - Al Petteway
! x2 {5 z0 @2 M) v3 o$ h41. Breaking Point - Laurence Juber) d4 n# P  u9 ?$ o
42. Thump The Clouds - Adrian Legg
3 B) K+ G: m2 J2 ^( p43. Ur - Steve Tibbetts8 b/ R- Q' b5 T+ a
44. Peg Leg Speed King - Michael Hedges
  e: }6 s6 g! t" M, v  Y% U45. Chasing The Groove - Brooks Williams
  w& Z2 F" m9 p6 y) s2 r  \46. Instrument Landing - Preston Reed2 f5 v7 M( N4 o4 E% b+ {, n
47. I Am The Resurrection - John Fahey3 z( e1 r: x  @& n! J
48. Echoing Wilderness - Richard Gilewitz2 D7 ]: u( @8 Q; N, d
49. Kowaka D 'Amour - Robbie Basho
, I' O5 E5 N- V4 o: E! f6 {0 O50. Song For Sheila - El McMeen
' k6 r% M8 n& o51. Slap Funk - Preston Reed
! f0 \3 g% X7 _# D5 s52. The Driving of The Year Nail - Leo Kottke& M, h$ I% h& d' U- n2 S! r
53. Fast Floyd - Tony Rice
8 z! x; ]; t9 i( s7 D+ {* Q54. Glidepath - Richard Leo Johnson  ^' A5 A2 l5 j' i3 {8 L) E7 X
55. Crest of the Revolution - Doug Smith5 t& m2 X0 F5 J- m
56. She Moved Through The Fair - Davy Graham: H1 Y1 m7 a# N
57. Everybody Loves You - Kaki King
2 p, S3 E" Z  E9 F( n58. Steamed Juicy Little Bun - Kaki King
; C, y% F) Z/ z. c; H2 U59. Blasting Cap - Preston Reed
( U& x' n- J5 x60. Ballad For Kay - Nick Webb (Acoustic Alchemy); x2 q# v* Y* J6 M
61. Out of The Darkness - Doug Smith0 P5 O- y" N7 L4 O. B: `0 s
62. Hold On To Forever - Billy McLaughlin5 y1 o* S& B2 M+ M6 k: v9 s
63. Metal Summer - Steve Tibbetts7 O9 ~/ I9 T/ h) B! l  f
64. Thumbsing - Richard Gilewitz
7 F+ T. X" n( L7 o65. Michael, Michael, Michael - Don Ross/ f7 [6 v3 E- b
66. Waiting For a Dancer - Adrian Legg: i$ E7 R, X7 Q/ ]2 H, j' @' D7 F" a
67. Doc's Bog - Tony Furtado
' W# i+ ], l: g& S0 F' ?! v68. Not Remotely Blue - Adrian Legg
- ^# F  P: s6 U! w  m69. Manzanita - Tony Rice
! j& d4 V7 ^, Q- ~$ M5 o, `' Q' i70. O'malley & Delacey - Adrian Legg/ L8 u. z! S- Q0 J! P8 Z
71. The Drowsy Bee - Brooks Williams
5 |- E8 K6 v: c72. Brian's Rapier - Sam Pacetti
" Y, @, f3 A  ~4 \) w( V$ ?73. Little Cairo - Peter Lang9 Z5 F. }' {+ p2 R' d
74. Ignition - Michael Hedges; }. m4 Q. B4 L; z- h0 n7 Z: j+ _
75. No Deposit/No Return - Sandy Bull
# R, u6 R/ p# h76. Ascension - Sam Pacetti
2 R- E  ]. ^1 i$ r% l77. Casbah - Bert Jansch
% m" v8 t; [; [78. Twang Thang - Prestion Reed
5 i4 g* j* L; s9 y7 D79. Rockbarra - Don Ross8 e& F$ _8 B8 W  G% ?, v6 @
80. Prometheus Meets The Digital Age - Richard Leo Johnson
9 A0 \7 x$ B5 w  Q5 }6 W- H81. Danielle The Healer's Dance - Gayla Drake Paul2 E) X  h. E' B0 N: c4 `4 r
82. Slinky Souzie - Al Petteway
5 d/ m; o  Z* _83. Midnight On The Water - David Bromberg
: h/ ^5 _, V% }) o9 A) T% ~  l84. Brown Bomber - Peter Huttlinger. {8 \# Q9 ^( `3 s8 P. F
85. Black Mommy - John Fahey& @. q  E3 m# G! ~' o) w
86. Practice Is Perfect - Andy McKee
7 ^3 s; w8 Y% y& ]# C) r. F' A87. Transfusion - John Renbourn- N- }, K- F: k( t- W
88. The Waltz That Carried Us Away - John Fahey
% ]" \( \) N9 f2 f4 V$ K6 l- k" G89. An Droichead Bheag - Tony McManus
$ k8 Y" e2 O, \+ X2 G- E2 Z- P1 S90. Acoustic Planet - Craig Charquico
; N4 G7 O& V7 I! c91. Can You Hear The Rain - Tony Furtado
' \7 x1 z6 g! X% s' }92. Under The Same Sky - Peppino D 'Agostino
/ s; i/ u, W3 G  M0 t* j0 k93. The Mysterious Barricades - Muriel Anderson
1 s# H/ W$ p4 U" Y* |4 M6 A94. All Thumbs - Pat Donahue! L/ I) ^( P* S! F$ l4 u' m
95. 101 South - Peter Finger
# L1 h8 [: n. L! ]96. Howl - Ed Gerhard/ J9 b/ t) s6 p  ]* n2 Q: M$ i
97. Four On Six - Tony Rice# O% ~& g5 I# O' ?' ^- B
98. Acoustic Highway - Craig Chaquico- @4 S/ r, N$ ~" L! b
99. Planxty Gallagher - Gayla Drake Paul  m, N0 I; ?1 h$ T# o) f  R
100. Griegarious - Phil Keaggy
) C% O* J: v6 S  Z" r7 P. h9 r& \" W( l" u2 G; ?% ]
Criteria: - This list is intended for those musicians whose primary instrument throughout their careers has been or is now the acoustic guitar. The main focus being on the artists instrumental abilities which included, originality, innovation, technique & influence within this genre. It does Not include the Pioneer's of Blues, Jazz, Classical, or the Latin acoustic based genre's such as Flamenco, or those Modern guitarists who recorded or performed their music in an occasional 'unplugged' setting. As with all lists, this list is a subjective list and makes no claim of an official nature.
9 |/ ~2 I7 ?: r) l7 T/ j( W
6 m1 s  m! C; B) e! Y l.jpg
% }) j; ]& C; j



发表于 2013-4-12 22:36 | 显示全部楼层
: q/ n3 I( T9 c5 t  ]3 h- F
发表于 2013-4-13 20:25 | 显示全部楼层
那里有试听的啊 几乎都没听过  只听过一首  还是andy改编的
发表于 2013-5-4 19:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-6-7 06:24 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-6-9 21:16 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-6-10 22:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-6-11 11:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-6-30 21:07 | 显示全部楼层
那个 怎么看着像 钢铁侠
发表于 2014-1-17 13:34 | 显示全部楼层
: b) c+ `4 ]- z* Y4 G6 |- u, U4 M
发表于 2014-5-12 20:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-5-14 16:50 | 显示全部楼层
http://digitaldreamdoor.com这个网站评的,各种很细的榜单非常多,不过都是各个分版的版主评的,然后网友在下面发表意见,版主根据网友意见时不时调整榜单。只能说代表了一部分国外网友的意见。它的最大意义就是让中国人知道了很多在国内知名度不高的大师。而且,各个分榜单之间经常互相矛盾,比如下面这两个:第一个是史上100名最伟大原声吉他大师榜:http://digitaldreamdoor.com/pages/best_jazz/best_acousticddd.html7 J; R) t5 [) n5 p9 k$ ^
+ v, Z% Q5 O$ g8 r$ Chttp://digitaldreamdoor.com/pages/best_guitar-all.html
发表于 2016-11-12 09:45 | 显示全部楼层
# [% V6 G7 ^  ~" h$ ]( W. b/ e+ q* L8 L, ]' r  \* i2 z$ x

1 x" i/ j. b( u8 h3 o  ^' B. @
% T) n0 G0 J) x$ Y7 ~3 V* j3 `4 {
  E. E7 T3 A9 ^0 b* t
, G% ]8 F, ^$ F4 m1 V1 {& d# w

4 V: I7 F- A6 N( g- Q, O; [" b  G1 d( R6 G

. X: K! V  m' n4 y) S
" u- t( ]9 ~2 L' I: c/ ]
3 P1 P0 x, d# L# I6 H
  t$ G; b# W+ l  h# p' P


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